Monday, July 6, 2009

July 6, 2009

Hey Hey this is Tom, Jr! Yeah so today we went to the english camp early. It was sweet cause a bunch of the kids were already there. So we played sai with them (hackysack with a birdie). It was fun. Then we went and ate breakfast. Then the kids came in and I saw Kim and I was happy cause that means that the Vietnamese kids were there. So I went out and saw Sarorn! Sarorn was one of my favorite kids from last year. I also was good friends with Bun Theoun but I didn't see him there yet. I asked Sarorn which group he was in and he said blue. That was my group! I was so pumped. Later Bun Theoun came and I found out he was in a different group. But whatever cause we still hung out whenever we got the chance. Then we played catch with them. That was fun! We learned everyone's names and then we taught them how to greet each other and how to tell each other about their families. Then we taught them different worship songs. It was a good english camp! Bun Theoun took me on his moto (like motorbike, not a motorcycle) and Sarorn rode on the back too. They took me to their school during their free time. It was really cool looking. Then we went to the palace and that was ok but it was kinda boring. I'm not all into history, Buddhism, and the king of Cambodia. But whatever. The kids here really like Wrestling (WWE) so now I'm called Tom Cena (after the wrestler John Cena). Hahaha why don't you guys call me a respectable name like that?
O side note! So Abby I didn't see just one monk this time but 10!
We saw a guy riding an elephant down the middle of the street. so cool! and then we came back. Now I'm here writing this message to yall!

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