Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 6 (day 3 of english camp)

Hi everyone, it's Lisa again.... wow! what a day! All in all this has been such an amazing experience.
Today we started the morning meeting the vietnamese students early, played a little volleyball,(I was told by one of the kids that I'm not bad for being an "older" lady... ouch.) the vietamese kids always get to camp a little early so it's nice to really connect with them.
Songs and testimonies first, then we break in our groups. I'm on the chocolate team, we happen to be in first place (yeah!!), there's 5 teams total. We have different competitions everyday. Today our competition was sooo fun, we went to the "russian" market, each team had $20 and a list of things to buy (backpack, school uniform, mosquito net, etc). The team that bought all the items first and spent the least amount of money won. We won!! Go chocolate team!!
Day 3 of getting to know the kids... we're all really connecting, building relationships, sharing faith stories, talking about our families, really opening up. It's awesome. I've already exchanged email addresses with many students and I know I'll stay connected with them when I get home.
When english camp was over, Tom, Becky, Jake and I took the vietnamese kids (there's 18 total) to Pizza Company for dinner, yummy. Had so much fun, singing Justin Bieber songs (baby, baby,baby, ohhhh...), making fun of Tom, because he's smelly (inside joke) and watching Jake break dance with the kids (he's a great dancer). They appreciated us buying them dinner so much. Such genuine, happy kids. Really puts your life into perspective.
Anyway.....back to the dorm for a shower (I've never sweat so much, and drank so much water, someone said it was 112 degrees today, I think at least 150% humidity, too) feeling pretty sticky, gross. More later.....God Bless

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