Monday, July 18, 2011


Yesterday, we got at English Camp right after lunch. While I ate, sopme students came over to talk to me. Their names are Bopha, Sarorn, and Ty. They talked to me while I ate. I talked with thema little in Vietnamese. That was fun.
After lunch, they took everyone to the Palace for a field trip. So we walked around the Palace... again. I kind of didn't even pay attention to the tour guide. Onec I found a friend of mine (Sandy) we then just left both our groups and went ahead to the end so we could sit and wait for everyone else. He's seen the palace a lot, I've seen it a lot... we figured sitting and talking would be more fun.
When we first got to the Palace though, everyone was just standing outside waiting to get in. There was a girl there from previous years standing by herself (her name is Thanh Thanh). So, I talked with her in Vietnamese. It was fun. We just joked around saying stuff like,"dep hon em," or,""toi buon tai vi em o day." If you don't know what that means, sorry.
It was a good day. Oh, and after dinner, dad and I went to the mall to get him clothes as his luggage never arrived. My luggage came, and I guess that is what's important above all else.

1 comment:

  1. Ha!Ha! Love your post Jake! Sorry Dad's luggage didn't get there! Guess he can't swim at the water park! Hope you are having fun! Please say hello to Than Than for me! She was in my group last year!
